Archival Policy

Archival Policy For Material Events/Information Disclosed To The BSE

1. Preface
The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of D & H India Limited (the “company”) has adopted the following Archival Policy (the “Policy”) with regard to the material events or information which are disclosed to the stock Exchanges, where the securities of company are listed (the “Stock Exchanges”) under the company’s policy for determination of materiality of events/information in order to comply with Regulation 30(8) of SEBl (Listing  Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (the “Listing Regulations “).

2. Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to archive any of the material events or information which are disclosed by the company to the BSE in terms of Company’s Policy for determination of materiality of events/information.

3. Archival Requirements
Any event or information which has been disclosed to the BSE by the company under the Company’s Policy for determination of materiality of events/ information shall be disclosed on the website of the company and such disclosure shall be hosted on the website for a minimum period of five years from the date of its disclosure. The disclosed event/information which is over five years old will be removed from the website of the Company.

4. Guidelines
Any event or information which has been disclosed to the stock exchanges by the company under the company’s Policy for determination of materiality of events/ information shall be informed to the Secretarial Department (SD) for uploading on the website of company. SD shall immediately upload such information on the website of company and shall host such information on the website of company for minimum period of five years from the date of its disclosure and thereafter, the same shall be removed from the website of the Company by the SD.

5. Retention of Archived Data
The archived data under this policy shall be retained on the website for such period as may be decided by Director(S) of the company and the approval and the approval in this regard shall be taken by Managing Director.

6. Access to the Archived Data
The contents of archived data under this policy, on the website shall not be accessible, however, anyone intending to review those disclosed event/information may write to Secretarial Department (SD) of the Company.

7. Amendment
In case there are any regulatory changes or other changes requiring modifications to the Policy, the Policy shall be reviewed and amended by Board of Directors of the Company. However, the amended regulatory requirements will supersede the policy till the time policy is suitability amended.

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